My Postmodernism Project: Visual Analysis

The focal point of this image is the blue picture of the girl staring at a TV. On the TV is a series of internet photos.There are vertical black lines on this images as well as a black boarder. Surrounding the blue picture is a light grey wall painted to look like stones or bricks. On this wall is a collection of different images both from the internet and painted on. The busy crystallographic outside pulls the viewer to the center focal point. The lack of a color scheme helps to portray a sense of chaos and overflow of information.
The lines on the blue image create a sort of jail looking room. The bright colors of the outside wall push it forward and give the image depth into the blue room. Thy emptiness of the blue room create a sense of loneliness, and the light of the TV being the only source of light in the room accentuates that idea and feeling. Some of the paintings make the wall appear to be covered in graffiti. It gives a feeling of confusion and chaos.
The good images and ideas on the outside contrast the superficial images on the TV. The quote that inspired this was, "we live in a world where there is more and more information, and less and less meaning". The ideas we are taught and values we learn to be good are not what much of society seems to idolize. Like the girl in the jail cell, we are trapped in a world focused on social media and the superficial image we show to others. We continue to hurt the environment and our fellow citizens even though we are educated enough to know what we are doing is wrong. Like the black boarder around the blue room, we block out this information and try to ignore that it exists.


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